Growing the calves is an area that many lifters, including myself in my younger years, struggle with. Many trainees and even some inexperienced trainers are under the impression that calf growth is entirely dependent on genetics and some folks will just have to live with small calves.
While I do agree that genetics play a large part in potential growth, I feel like most people use the “genetics card” to justify not putting in the work necessary to grow their calves. They are an extremely stubborn muscle to grow and while some genetically blessed folks can simply train legs on a regular basis and develop impressive calf muscles, the majority of us will have to put a little more effort into it.
Over the years, I have found it is normally one or both of the following issues causing the stagnated growth:
1. Low volume/Skipped exercises
2. Short range of motion/bouncing weights
The first issue is the most prevalent and, after time, will actually lead to the second issue becoming predominant. Folks tend to program their calf training at the end of leg day when they are already work out from the big thigh exercises (squats, deadlifts, RDL’s, etc.) and the calf exercises either get half-assed or, even worse, skipped completely.
Over time, the lack of exercise and stretching of the calf muscle starts to cause the muscles of the calf to become tight so when the exercises are done, they are only done through a restricted range of motion leading to even less growth which leads us to the second issue.
In order to get the maximum possible growth out of the calves, the full ROM must be used in a slow and controlled manner. Much to often calf raises are done in the middle of the range possible by the flexion of the ankle. Instead of allowing the heel to slowly go down putting the ankle into full dorsiflexion (toes pointed to ceiling) and then forcefully contracting the calf to put the ankle into full plantar flexion (toes pointed down), you see bouncing of the weight from half dorsiflexion to half plantar flexion.
This is not how to grow the muscles of the calf.
To alleviate the issues described above, I use a combination of the following:
1. High volume sets taken to failure early in the session or sprinkled throughout the session
2. Exercises with extremely slow negatives and timed holds in the stretched position
The first method is fairly simple and should already be a part of any program but they are, more often than not, skipped. I like sets of 2-4 sets of 15-20 taken to failure as the first or second exercise of the day. Keep the negatives slow and make sure you get a good stretch at the bottom. This will not only make sure you get the sets in before you reach the end of the workout, it will also stretch out the ankle for the rest of the exercises in the session increasing calf activation in the bigger lifts.
The second method is less widely used but is one of the best growth tactics I have ever used. I must give credit to Dante Trudel for this method from his DogCrapp training protocol.
This is performed by choosing a calf exercise; I recommend donkey calf raises, calf raises on a leg press, or seated calf raises to take the core/lower back out of the equation. You will perform a calf raise as normal, bringing the weight up on the big toe. From the top position, you will perform a 5 second eccentric (lowering of the weight) and then hold the stretched position for another 15 seconds.
This is one rep, perform 10-12 (that’s 4 minutes under tension). Focus on allowing the calf to fully stretch at the bottom of the movement; this should not be enjoyable.
Whether you have good calf genetics or chicken legs, the methods above will bring your lower legs to the next level of training. Try one or both of them (I prefer both) and start growing your calves into full on cows.