Is an Online Personal Trainer Worth It?

One of the most common questions I see from potential clients has always been “Is an online personal trainer worth it?” or “Is having any kind of trainer worth it?”.

Obviously I’m going to be a little biased here, but my answer is always a resounding “Yes”.

Sure, you can download a generic program off the internet that you think is in line with your goals then just go to the gym and wing it but you have to ask yourself if that is the best option.

That’s exactly what I did for years when I started out and, knowing what I do now, there’s no doubt I would immediately hire a trainer if I could go back.


Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Not only can an online personal trainer get your diet set up and create a training program customized for your goals, but they will also be knowledgeable enough to modify the programing and diet as needed as you progress.

On top of this, a personal trainer will know when to swap certain exercises and utilize certain advanced methods to bring up your individually specific lagging muscle groups to build the physique you crave.


Don’t get me wrong, winging it with a generic program will work to a point and is better than woofing a bag of potato chips while watching Netflix, but it is certainly not optimal.

A skilled personal trainer will cut months if not years off your learning curve and will deliver the results you want exponentially faster than going it alone while also providing motivation along the way.


If you’re interested in dramatically increasing your results as quickly as possible, hit the link below and sign up for a free Zoom consultation with an online personal trainer.