Motivation is a Load of Crap


Scrolling through social media there are never ending posts and threads trying to inspire or “motivate” you to do something.

Start that business, go to the gym, get out of bed…


You should not and cannot wait for motivation to act on your dreams or goals. Waiting for inspiration or motivation is a guaranteed recipe for an average life.

If average is good for you, cool, you can quit reading now and go do whatever it is you feel like doing and wake up in 10 years in the exact same place doing the exact same thing.


Considering you are part of this community; I assume that is not what you want. To instill change, YOU MUST CHANGE. Change is going to be hard; an object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

This means it is going to take concentrated, consistent movement every day on your end, motivated or not, to produce any kind of positive change in your life.

Most of the time you won’t be motivated to make these changes; bed is warm, going to the gym is hard, starting that business is risky. This is why most people never break out of the rat race and remain average.

It’s the easy way out.

 The good thing is, once you get going, it is easier to “stay in motion” and once you start seeing the results, the motivation takes care of itself.


Hopefully this anti-motivation article has motivated you to start working on your dreams now instead of waiting around for the planets to align.