Normally, I like folks to eat between 3-6 meals a day depending on multiple factors including lifestyle, job, body composition, and personal preference.
Some people prefer to eat closer to 6 small meals a day to keep their hunger down throughout the day but others, such as myself, prefer to eat 4 times a day due to time constraints and the fact that I just don’t really enjoy eating.
Obviously, more meals mean smaller meals spread throughout the day while folks like me would eat larger meals fewer times throughout the day.
Either way, you want to structure your meals to where the majority of your carb intake is around your workout (pre, intra, post). This will allow your body to be fueled during the session to maximize performance and provide it with the necessary nutrients to repair itself following the session while also keeping carbs relatively low during the sedentary portion of the day.
These meals should be high in carbs and protein to fuel the body while being relatively low in fat as it inhibits the absorption of protein.
The remainder of your meals throughout the day should be mainly fats and protein with relatively low amounts of carbohydrates.
See the Diet section of my Ebook to determine how many calories you should be eating per day to meet your goals and what specific macronutrients those calories should come from.