For most trainees that don’t have any competition goals, a simple full body workout performed 3x per week will produce sufficient stimulus to produce a desirable physique. The problem is, most folks don’t have a clue where to start. From set and rep schemes to exercise selection, most beginners are lost when it comes to program creation.
This blog entry aims to give even the newest trainees the knowledge they need to get started. Let’s jump in.
Determining The Split:
For this example we will be assuming a 3 day split hitting the entire body each day. We’ll create two training sessions, one for squats/horizontal pressing and one for hip hinge/vertical pressing. Each day will also have 2-4 assistance exercises to attack your specific weak spots.
We can designate each session as “A” and “B” respectively and they will be alternated every session. Since we are training 3x per week, your first week will look like A-B-A, the second week will look like B-A-B, the third like A-B-A again, and so on.
Choosing the Exercises:
Training Session “A”:
The first training session we will attack the squat horizontal pressing/pulling movement patterns with accessories targeting the same musculature.
Main Movements:
To start, choose a squat movement from the list below. This is obviously not a fully comprehensive list but it should be more than enough to get you started. As an added method to mix things up, you can utilize bands and/or chains on most of these exercises as well.
- Low bar back squat
- High bar back squat
- Safety Squat Bar Squat
- Front Squat
- Hack Squat
- Zercher Squat
- Belt Squat
Next, we need to choose a main horizontal pressing exercise. As before, chains and bands can be added to mix it up as needed.
- Bench Press (BB or DB)
- Incline Bench Press (BB or DB)
- Decline Bench Press (BB or DB)
- Dips (Chest focused)
- Floor Press (BB or DB)
- Board Press
- Pin Press
- Football Bar Press
For each of these main movement exercises, work up to a heavy set of 3, 5, or 8 depending on your goals with at least 2-3 sets within 10% of the final weight.
Accessory Movements:
Following the two main movements of the day we will choose 2-4 assistance exercises attacking weaknesses. If you are just starting out and don’t know where your weaknesses lie yet, just keep it balanced.
For the lower body, we are targeting the squat pattern today so we will choose assistance exercises that will supplement the main movement. Some options include:
- Leg Extension
- Leg Press
- Hack Squat
- Lunge
- Bulgarian Split Squat
- Adductors
- Step Ups
- Belt Squat
For the upper body, we will be targeting the horizontal pushing and rowing musculature. Some options include:
- Chest Supported Row
- Bent Over DB or BB Row
- Seated Cable Row
- T Bar Row
- Meadows Row
- Pec Deck
- Machine Press (Incline, Decline, Flat)
- Dips
- Cable Crossovers
- DB Press (Multiple angles)
Pick 1-2 exercises for both the upper and lower body and perform 2-4 sets of 8-20 reps. The closer you go to failure on each set, the fewer sets you should do. For example, if you are going 1-2 reps shy of failure, you should perform 3-4 sets but if you are going to complete failure, 2 sets is enough.
Target rep ranges of 8-12, 12-15, or 15-20 preferably with the compound movements (hack squat, dips, etc.) using the lower rep ranges and the isolation movements (rear delt flyes, leg extension, etc.) using the higher ranges.
Once you can complete all sets for the target number of reps, increase the weight. If no reps or weight can be added for two sessions in a row, change the exercise.
Training Session “B”:
The second training session we will attack the hip hinge and vertical pressing/pulling movement patterns with accessories targeting the same musculature.
Main Movements:
To start, choose a hip hinge movement from the list below. This is obviously not a fully comprehensive list but it should be more than enough to get you started. As an added method to mix things up, you can utilize bands and/or chains on most of these exercises as well.
- Deadlift
- Romanian Deadlift
- Stiff Legged Deadlift
- Sumo Deadlift
- Deficit Deadlift
- Trap Bar Deadlift (this is more quad dominant than other variations)
- Good Morning (standard, seated, or powerlifting version)
- Power Clean (if you are just starting out, learn to deadlift with proper form before attempting a power clean)
For each of these main movement exercises, work up to a heavy set of 3, 5, or 8 depending on your goals with at least 2-3 sets within 10% of the final weight.
Accessory Movements:
Following the two main movements of the day we will choose 2-4 assistance exercises attacking weaknesses. If you are just starting out and don’t know where your weaknesses lie yet, just keep it balanced.
For the lower body, we are targeting the hip hinge pattern today so we will choose assistance exercises that will supplement the main movement. Some options include:
- RDL’s
- Good Morning
- Hip Thrust
- Leg Curl (seated, standing, or lying)
- Lunges
- Glute Kickback
- Belt Squat Marching
- Reverse Hyper
- Cable Pull Throughs
For the upper body, we will be targeting the vertical pushing and rowing musculature. Some options include:
- Cable Lat Pulldown (Various Grips)
- Upright Row (EZ Bar, Cable, or DB)
- High Row
- Machine Shoulder Press
- DB Shoulder Press
- Lat Pulldown Machine
- Straight Arm Pulldown
- Lateral Raises (DB, Cable, or Machine)
- Pullup/Chinup
- Arnold Press
- Shrugs
- High Pull
Pick 1-2 exercises for both the upper and lower body and perform 2-4 sets of 8-20 reps. The closer you go to failure on each set, the fewer sets you should do. For example, if you are going 1-2 reps shy of failure, you should perform 3-4 sets but if you are going to complete failure, 2 sets is enough.
Target rep ranges of 8-12, 12-15, or 15-20 preferably with the compound movements using the lower rep ranges and the isolation movements using the higher ranges.
Once you can complete all sets for the target number of reps, increase the weight. If no reps or weight can be added for two sessions in a row, change the exercise.
As you can see, a simple full body training program can be made and tracked easily, even for the brand-new trainee.
If you’d like a free excel program template with multiple exercise options, be sure to check it out at the link below.
3-Day Full Body Beginner Program
If you’d prefer to have an expert trainer help guide you along with a custom-made program and diet/training advice, shoot us a note at the link below and we’ll get you set up for a personal training consultation.
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